Human papillomavirus how to cure?

If a dermatologist has identified a human papillomavirus in a patient, he or she will tell you how to treat it and make detailed recommendations.

However, some naive people try to get rid of external manifestations on their own. Folk recipes can and will help, but in some cases, delaying with qualified help can cause cancer. And why it happens, let's figure it out now.

What is this disease

Human papillomavirus, or HPV 100, is the collective name for a virus that causes various formations to appear on human skin or mucous membranes. All of these strains can be divided into three groups:

  1. Not an oncogenic. Viruses in this group cause the appearance of exceptionally benign formations. They are safe for human life and do not cause discomfort. This happens when they are not in a place where they are often injured.
  2. Low oncogene. If papillomas appear in the body due to the development of this group of viruses, they should be carefully monitored. In some cases, the formation can progress to malignancy. Doctors recommend removing such growths so as not to risk your health. Rebirth can begin if the treatment was performed by an unskilled professional or if the growth was damaged in any way.
  3. Oncogenic. Most of the formations that appear to be affected by this group of viruses are the cause of cancer. This is especially true for women’s health. The human papillomavirus in women can cause cervical cancer if treatment is not started in time. But men also often suffer from these viruses. They provoke penile cancer.

HPV is also dangerous because there are often no symptoms that the virus is already living in the body. In the early stages of education, they are so small that only a dermatologist, gynecologist, or urologist can recognize them.

And here's the question, can the papillomavirus be cured if it has already settled in the body? You only need to see a doctor with this problem, he will help you solve it.


Everyone who has encountered such a problem asks the same question - is it possible to recover from the human papillomavirus? There is still no drug that can help get rid of papilloma forever, and HPV may seem incurable. But that doesn’t mean treatment is unnecessary. Doctors know how they can help a person’s immune system defeat the papillomavirus.

For this, medications and special destructive methods are prescribed to help get rid of external manifestations. How can a virus be defeated if there is no cure for it?

Drugs reduce the activity of the virus and the immune system already suppresses the infection. If the body's defenses are significantly reduced, the doctor will also add immunomodulatory drugs as well as vitamin complexes. The result depends on how strong one’s immunity is.

Patients often ask if HPV can only be treated with medication. It is very rare for growth to disappear after medication, but this only occurs when the disease is in its early stages and the person's immunity is very strong. In other cases, the disease must be overcome by destructive methods.

The external manifestations, i. e. the papillomas themselves, are eliminated as follows:

Electrocoagulation - a method of removing papillomas
  • Scalpel.This method is a bit outdated, but it still helps get rid of large formations. It is also quite effective in cases where other methods cannot be used. Before getting rid of human papillomavirus in this way, general anesthesia is usually performed and all activities are performed in the operating room.
  • Liquid nitrogen. This method is also called cryodestruction. How to get rid of papillomavirus in this way? The temperature of the liquid nitrogen is very low; papillomas freeze and fall off over time. If large lesions need to be removed, a scar may remain after the procedure.
  • Electrocoagulator. The formations are affected by high or low frequency currents. In this case, the papillomas are destroyed from the inside and disappear after a while.
  • Radio knife. Here, radio wave radiation affects education, which can also cure papillomas.
  • Laser. This is the most commonly used method. But is it possible to get rid of growth in this way? If the formations are small, one procedure is sufficient to completely eliminate the external defect. But if you have multiple papillomas, your doctor or cosmetologist will advise you to repeat it again.

However, before you can get rid of the papillomavirus, you need to do some research.

Examination of an HPV patient

Research and Diagnostics

Before beginning laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and tests, the physician should fully examine the patient to determine how severely the skin and mucous membranes are affected.

The oral cavity is also examined. Papillomas in the mouth are not uncommon. In women, a gynecologist's examination is needed to check the mucous membranes of the genitals. Also, you still need to:

  • Cytological research. Cancer cells are found in the earliest stages of degeneration.
  • Determination of viral DNA. It helps determine which group of viruses caused the papilloma to appear.
  • Histological examination. To do this, take some education.
  • Examination of the urethra. It allows the detection of papillomas in the bladder.

The results of each study determine the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cure the papilloma virus in this patient.

Traditional Medicine

A very common question is how to recover from human papillomavirus based on the advice of traditional medicine. Doctors clearly answer that it is imperative to be examined before self-medication. If low oncogenic or oncogenic strains have not been identified at the time of diagnosis, you can try to defeat the human papillomavirus using “grandmother’s methods”.

But if the results confirmed the most serious fears, there is no need to experiment. Most often, the use of such therapy only exacerbates the condition. A person sees a doctor when the degeneration has started or the papilloma has become a malignancy. Sometimes the patient does not get an appointment with the doctor and dies from the oncology.

Treatment of papilloma with garlic compress

But let's analyze some recipes

  • Some believe that garlic can cure the human papillomavirus. Moreover, it is used both for compression and internally. A clove of garlic can be sliced ​​or pressed through a press. Apply for two hours exclusively to the papilloma without getting on a healthy skin surface. The compress is then removed and washed with warm water. Garlic should not be left overnight. This can cause burns to both papillomas and healthy skin surfaces. Such damage to the accumulation can cause its degeneration.
  • You can find many reviews on the Internet about whether people got rid of papilloma with laundry or tar soap. But you have to be very careful with this tool. It is important to choose the right soap. It should be a bar made from natural ingredients, without fragrances, bleaches and preservatives. A soap solution or pre-melted soap is applied in a thick layer by adding a decoction of herbs. Such a compress is left overnight and the treatment is continued until the accumulation ceases. The use of laundry soap to treat genital mucosal papillomas in women is strictly prohibited. Such candles completely destroy the microflora and can cause burns.
  • Celandine. This herb is used in its pure form, or rather in its juice. They are simply smeared with education. For decoctions, the oil is made from celandine. Soups are made from broth, sometimes used orally to boost immunity. If there were people in the family who died in oncology, you should go to the doctor urgently with any formation on the skin and not wait for the fatal outcome.


Getting rid of external manifestations and medical treatment alone is not enough. To avoid relapse, you need to know your lifestyle and diet. If the food is full and the load and rest are equal, the question of whether you can get rid of papilloma forever can be answered as follows. It is entirely possible for a person to:

  1. Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, overeating, drugs) permanently.
  2. Monitors health and heals in time against new diseases.
  3. You start playing sports.
  4. Avoid stressful situations.
  5. But it's also important not to get the virus again from another person. This can be avoided by proper hygiene and a more responsible approach to sex.

It is essential to recover HPV. If you don’t eliminate it, you can infect your loved ones.